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欧美音乐 2020-07-25 10:20 Mb
DINOSAURS (Explicit) - Lupe Fiasco/Kaelin Ellis/Virgil Abloh

Composed by:Kaelin Ellis/Wasalu Jaco p/k/a: Lupe Fisaco

So where should we begin

Maybe we should begin at the beginning

Sounds fine to me

Dinosaurs came in all colors

They were creatures with different features

Had to teeth to eat ya they made beds called nests

And laid eggs after they had sex inside 'em

Whether they ate plants or meat is how you could divide 'em

And the Flintstones they they used to ride 'em

With tails particularly good for slidin'

But in real life it probably didn't go down like that


They probably didn't sound like that but maybe close

If we are to believe Noah they didn't really know how to make boats

And they drowned like that

Via paleontology fossily is how they mostly found like that

Bones in the stones that's if you soil-dig

But if you oil-rig they warm up the homes

Power up the cars

In Jurassic Park it was a zone full of clones

They say they death came from the stars

An asteroid flew down and blowed up the grown

The babies too the whole family

The entire Brady crew bit the dust like food from the floor

Just imagine one day

All the Cruncheroos was just removed from the store

And not just shooed off the stage but booed off the tour

If they had lawyers they coulda sued something for sure

Class actions when that happens you know the rules

Objections abstained wrap the snap and gets overruled

Respect the court this ain't your condo in Toronto

They ran in packs Brontosaurus ran in hers

Pterodactyls was the birds

The prehistoric conceptual source of the Mighty Morphin' combo

Word uh it gets rangerous

Come hit the museum if you wanna hang with us

But mostly just the skeletons

Now if you wanna use brain cave space as a metric for intelligence

Then Tyrannosaurus Rex wasn't the smartest of the smartest

But you wouldn't wanna box with the short-armed carnivorous martial artist

You ain't gotta be the sharpest saw to slice the sausage

Of the largest ninja star in all of Harlem

To carve a part into a target if we arguin'

They say they where we get chickens from

So what came first ancestors or the chicken's sons

Skulls flows cross roads like tips and thumbs

In Bruce Lee's gi tell me to freeze I might kick your gun

Call it survivin' the ice age

Reptilian how old

'Bout two-hundred and forty-two million

Post-Cretaceous their status was basically wiped from the face

Of our favorite little ball in the skies

Some were small some were tall some would crawl some would fly

But we gotta thank 'em all

'Cause without them we wouldn't have the malls of Dubai

But they also kinda gave us all a climate change

I ain't tryna blame just sayin'

Sometimes they go by they science names

Megalosauroidea or Sauropodomorpha whatever you wanna call 'em

Whether it be Grimlock Yoshi or Earl Sinclaire

Just remember at one time this whole world was theirs

Tags:LupeFiasco  KaelinEllis  VirgilAbloh 

