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《奇异恩典》创作于18世纪的赞美歌,歌词作者是由1725年出生于伦敦的英国白人约翰·牛顿John Newton ,歌词简洁充满敬虔、感恩的告白,也是他的生命见证,约翰牛顿本是一名黑奴船长,无恶不作,后来反而沦落非洲。在一次暴风雨的海上,他蒙上帝的拯救,于是决心痛改前非,奉献一生,宣扬上帝的福音,成为19世纪伟大的传道人。去世之前,他为自己写了墓志铭:“约翰牛顿牧师,从前是个犯罪作恶不信上帝的人,曾在非洲作奴隶之仆。但借着主耶稣基督的丰盛怜悯,得蒙保守,与神和好,罪得赦免,并蒙指派宣传福音事工。”这首诗歌就是他一生得拯救的见证。在歌中充满了他对自己过去贩卖奴隶的悔恨,和对不计较这些仍赐福于他的上帝的感激之情。
Amazing Grace
演唱:Sarah Brightman
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
I once was lost but now I'm found,
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God, who brought me here below
Will be forever mine
Through Him many dangers toils and snares
I have already come
It was grace that brought me here thus far
And grace will lead me home
- Sarah Brightman - Scarborough Fair(斯卡布罗集市).ape
- Sarah Brightman - 月光女神(la luna).ape
- Sarah Brightman - Winter In July.wav
- Sarah Brightman - Gueri De Tol.ape
- Sarah Brightman欧美流行金曲《Until The End Of Time》[FLAC格式]
- 告别的时刻《Time To Say Goodbye (Con Te Partir)》 - Sarah Brightman[FLAC格式]
- 永恒的歌曲《Time To Say Goodbye》 - Sarah Brightman[FLAC格式]
- 不要浪费好时光《Winter In July》 - Sarah Brightman[FLAC格式]
- 告别的时刻《Time To Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro)》 - Sarah Brightman ,Andrea Bocelli[FLAC格式
- 时间的尽头《Until The End Of Time》 - Sarah Brightman[FLAC格式]
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