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  • 迈克尔·杰克逊专辑《颤栗》主打FLAC格式《Billie Jean》[FLAC格式]

    《Billie Jean》发行于1983年1月2日,由迈克尔·杰克逊谱写,与昆西·琼斯共同出品。1982年第六张个人专辑《颤栗》中的第二波主打单曲。





    She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
    I said don't mind
    But what do you mean I am the one
    Who will dance on the floor in the round
    She said I am the one
    Who will dance on the floor in the round
    She told me her name was Billie Jean
    As she caused a scene
    Then every head turned with eyes
    That dreamed of being the one
    Who will dance on the floor in the round
    People always told me
    Be careful of what you do
    And don't go around
    Breaking young girls' hearts
    And mother always told me
    Be careful of who you love
    And be careful of what you do
    Cause the lie becomes the truth
    Billie Jean is not my lover
    She's just a girl
    Who claims that i am the one
    But the kid is not my son
    She says i am the one
    But the kid is not my son
    For forty days and forty nights
    The law was on her side
    But who can stand
    When she's in demand
    Her schemes and plans
    'Cause we danced on the floor in the round
    So take my strong advice
    Just remember to always think twice
    (Do think twice)
    She told my baby we dance till three
    As she looked at me
    Then showed a photo
    My baby cried
    His eyes were like mine
    ‘Cause we danced on the floor in the round, baby
    People always told me
    Be careful of what you do
    And don't go around
    Breaking young girls' hearts
    She came and stood right by me
    Then the smell of sweet perfume
    This happened much too soon
    She called me to her room
    Billie Jean is not my lover
    She's just a girl
    Who claims that i am the one
    But the kid is not my son
    《Billie Jean》歌词本《Billie Jean》歌词本
    She says i am the one
    But the kid is not my son
    She says i am the one
    But the kid is not my son
    She says i am the one
    But the kid is not my son
    Billie Jean is not my lover
    She's just a girl
    Who claims that i am the one
    But the kid is not my son
    She says i am the one
    But the kid is not my son
    She says i am the one
    She says he is my son
    She says i am the one
    Billie Jean is not my lover
    Billie Jean is not my lover
    Billie Jean is not my lover
    Billie Jean is not my lover
    Billie Jean is not my lover
    Billie Jean is not my lover

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 195 ℃
  • Michael Jackson专辑《dangerous》的《Will You Be There》[FLAC格式]

    Will You Be There是Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第四张个人专辑《dangerous》的一首歌曲,同时是电影《Free Willy》(威鲸闯天关)的主题曲。

    “Will You Be There”是“Dangerous”巡演的必备曲目,其现场完美异常。

    但由于喉炎发作Michael Jackson并没有完全真唱,部分演唱采取了对口型的方式。

    Hold Me (抱着我)
    Like The River Jordan(像约旦河一样)
    And I Will Then Say To Thee (然后我将对你说)
    You Are My Friend (你是我的朋友)
    Carry Me(支撑我)
    Like You Are My Brother (如同兄弟一般)
    Love Me Like A Mother (像母亲一样爱我)
    Will You Be There? (你会在那里吗?)
    Weary (疲倦时)
    Tell Me Will You Hold Me (告诉我你能否支持我)
    When Wrong, Will You Scold Me(错误时你会责怪我吗?)
    When Lost Will You Find Me? (当我迷路,你会寻找我吗?)
    But They Told Me (但是他们告诉我)
    A Man Should Be Faithful (是男人就必须可靠)
    And Walk When Not Able (在不能行走时行走)
    And Fight Till The End (在最后的最后战斗)
    But I'm Only Human (但我只是凡人啊)
    Everyone's Taking Control Of Me (每人都在寻求控制我)
    Seems That The World's Got A Role For Me (看上去我在这世界中有一个角色)
    I'm So Confused (我是那么困惑)
    Will You Show To Me(你能否为我引路?)
    You'll Be There For Me(你会为我而守侯吗?)
    And Care Enough To Bear Me (并且敞怀包容我吗?)
    (Hold Me)(托起我)
    (Lay Your Head Lowly)(放低你的头)
    (Softly Then Boldly)(温柔地且大胆地)
    (Carry Me There) (支撑我到彼岸)
    (Lead Me)(指引我)
    (Love Me And Feed Me)(爱我并哺育我)
    (Kiss Me And Free Me) (吻我并予我自由)
    (I Will Feel Blessed) (我会感受到福佑)
    (Carry Me Boldly) (大胆地支撑我)
    (Lift Me Up Slowly)(轻轻地举起我)
    (Carry Me There)(支撑我到彼岸)
    (Save Me)(拯救我)
    (Heal Me And Bathe Me) (治愈我并沐浴我)
    (Softly You Say To Me) (你轻声对我说)
    (I Will Be There) (我会在那里)
    (Lift Me)(举起我)
    (Lift Me Up Slowly)(轻轻地举起我)
    (Carry Me Boldly)(大胆地支撑我)
    (Show Me You Care)(展示你真的在乎我)
    (Hold Me)(托起我)
    (Lay Your Head Lowly)(放低你的头)
    (Softly Then Boldly)(温柔且大胆地)
    (Carry Me There) (支撑我到彼岸)
    (Need Me)(依赖我)
    (Love Me And Feed Me)(爱我并哺育我)
    (Kiss Me And Free Me) (吻我并予我自由)
    (I Will Feel Blessed) (我会感受到福佑)
    In Our Darkest Hour In My Deepest Despair
    Will You Still Care? Will You Be There?
    In My Trials And My Tribulations
    Through Our Doubts And Frustrations
    In My Violence In My Turbulence
    Through My Fear And My Confessions
    In My Anguish And My Pain
    Through My Joy And My Sorrow
    In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow
    I'll Never Let You Part
    For You're Always In My Heart.

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 125 ℃
  • 《Beat It》迈克尔·杰克逊经典歌曲[FLAC格式]

    《Beat It》是一首反对社会暴力音乐作品。由Michael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊)作词、作曲、编曲(与Quincy Jones(昆西·琼斯)),并演唱。在其1982年专辑《Thriller》收录的主打歌曲之一。告诫年轻人避免不必要的麻烦,暴力不能解决一切问题, 只会伤害到自己。

    在写《Beat It》以前,杰克逊就想过要创作一首能让自己“愿意到街上去买”的摇滚歌曲,但它又要不同于一般的摇滚歌曲,像当时收音机里常播放的最佳歌曲四十首。
    写《Beat It》时,杰克逊脑海中一直想着学校的孩子们.
    当时杰克逊已经自己创作了一些歌曲,但在看到其他人创作的歌曲以前,我并没有拿给昆西·琼斯看。早在制作《Off the Wall》时杰克逊就写了这首歌,却舍不得拿出来给别人看,在制作《Thriller》时,杰克逊把《Beat It》藏了很长时间。
    杰克逊在自传《太空步》中描述道:“在《Beat It》中,我想告诉大家,如果我陷入了困境我会怎样去做。这是一个教训,它告诉我们应该憎恶并放弃暴力,对这点我深信不疑。《Beat It》告诉孩子们要机警,避免麻烦,我的意思不是说别人打了你的右脸,你再把左脸转过去让人打,我是说,除非你被逼到墙角别无选择了最好避免暴力的发生, 赶快溜之大吉。如果你打架受伤甚至死了,那你什么也没得到,反而什么都失去了,你是个失败者,怎么有脸面对那些爱你的人们呢?这就是《Beat It》的含意,我认为,真正勇敢而又聪明的人是能和平解决问题的人,他们用的是能和平解决问题的人,他们用的是智慧,而不是暴力。”

    这首非迪斯科风格的硬式摇滚风格的4/4拍舞曲在开篇突如其来的如同号角一般的重击声后,流畅跳动的旋律随之源源涌出,杰克逊在其中激情而好斗地演唱着。 这首歌曲所要表达的真正主体却与它的演唱方式不同,《Beat It》告诫年轻人避免不必要的麻烦,暴力不能解决一切问题,只会伤害到自己。Michael借用演唱的形式给当时美国的青年一代提出了善意的忠告,也许这 种方式更让人印象深刻。此曲的一大亮点便是Van Helen乐队的灵魂人物Eddie Van Helen的跨刀演出,他的吉他技艺在也歌中有所展露。

    Beat It 避开!
    They Told Him 他们告诉他:
    Don't You Ever Come Around Here “你胆敢再来?
    Don't Wanna See Your Face, 不想再见你,
    You Better Disappear 你最好消失!”
    The Fire's In Their Eyes 怒火在他们眼中升腾
    And Their Words Are Really Clear 话语也说得格外明白
    So Beat It, Just Beat It 那么就避开吧,避开
    You Better Run, 你最好快跑
    You Better Do What You Can 最好尽你所能
    Don't Wanna See No Blood, 不想看到流血
    Don't Be A Macho Man 别逞能硬汉
    You Wanna Be Tough, 你想要强硬
    Better Do What You Can 最好尽你所能
    So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad 那么就走开吧,但你却偏要逞强
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想被击败
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It & 就避开吧,避开
    Just Beat It, Beat It
    Just Beat It, Beat It
    Just Beat It, Beat It
    [3rd Verse]
    They're Out To Get You, 他们赶来抓你
    Better Leave While You Can 你就赶快离开
    Don't Wanna Be A Boy, 不想乳臭未干
    You Wanna Be A Man 你想成为男子汉
    You Wanna Stay Alive, 但如果你想活命
    Better Do What You Can 就尽你所能
    So Beat It, Just Beat It 避开吧,避开
    [4th Verse]
    You Have To Show Them 你本是要告诉他们
    That You're Really Not Scared 你毫不畏惧
    You're Playin' With Your Life, 但却是在把生命当儿戏
    This Ain't No Truth Or Dare 其实无所谓真理与胆量
    They'll Kick You, Then They Beat You, 他们踢翻你,打倒你
    Then They'll Tell You It's Fair 然后告诉你这就是正义
    So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad 那么就避开吧,但你却偏要逞强
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想要认输
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It 就避开吧,避开
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想要认输
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It Beat It Beat It Beat It……就避开吧,避开
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想被击败
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想被击败
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想被击败
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想被击败
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just beat it 避开吧

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 392 ℃
  • 由迈克尔·杰克逊演唱的一首反对社会暴力音乐作品《Beat It》[FLAC格式]

    《Beat It》是一首反对社会暴力音乐作品。由Michael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊)作词、作曲、编曲(与Quincy Jones(昆西·琼斯)),并演唱。在其1982年专辑《Thriller》收录的主打歌曲之一。告诫年轻人避免不必要的麻烦,暴力不能解决一切问题,只会伤害到自己。

    入围了摇滚名人堂史上500首经典之作之一,同时入围滚石杂志最佳100首摇滚吉他Solo之一,邓丽君、Metallica、Fall Out Boy、吴克羣等歌手都曾经翻唱过这部作品。

    在写《Beat It》以前,杰克逊就想过要创作一首能让自己“愿意到街上去买”的摇滚歌曲,但它又要不同于一般的摇滚歌曲,像当时收音机里常播放的最佳歌曲四十首。

    They Told Him 他们告诉他:
    Don't You Ever Come Around Here “你胆敢再来?
    Don't Wanna See Your Face, 不想再见你,
    You Better Disappear 你最好消失!”
    The Fire's In Their Eyes 怒火在他们眼中升腾
    And Their Words Are Really Clear 话语也说得格外明白
    So Beat It, Just Beat It 那么就避开吧,避开
    [2nd Verse]
    You Better Run, 你最好快跑
    You Better Do What You Can 最好尽你所能
    Don't Wanna See No Blood, 不想看到流血
    《Beat It》歌词本
    《Beat It》歌词本
    Don't Be A Macho Man 别逞能硬汉
    You Wanna Be Tough, 你想要强硬
    Better Do What You Can 最好尽你所能
    So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad 那么就走开吧,但你却偏要逞强
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想被击败
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It & 就避开吧,避开
    Just Beat It, Beat It
    Just Beat It, Beat It
    Just Beat It, Beat It
    [3rd Verse]
    They're Out To Get You, 他们赶来抓你
    Better Leave While You Can 你就赶快离开
    Don't Wanna Be A Boy, 不想乳臭未干
    You Wanna Be A Man 你想成为男子汉
    You Wanna Stay Alive, 但如果你想活命
    Better Do What You Can 就尽你所能
    So Beat It, Just Beat It 避开吧,避开
    [4th Verse]
    You Have To Show Them 你本是要告诉他们
    That You're Really Not Scared 你毫不畏惧
    You're Playin' With Your Life, 但却是在把生命当儿戏
    This Ain't No Truth Or Dare 其实无所谓真理与胆量
    They'll Kick You, Then They Beat You, 他们踢翻你,打倒你
    Then They'll Tell You It's Fair 然后告诉你这就是正义
    So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad 那么就避开吧,但你却偏要逞强
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想要认输
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It 就避开吧,避开
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想要认输
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It Beat It Beat It Beat It……就避开吧,避开
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想被击败
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想被击败
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想被击败
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 避开吧,避开
    No One Wants To Be Defeated 没人想被击败
    Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight 所以都来发狠耍狂
    It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right 其实对错并不重要
    Just beat it 避开吧

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 236 ℃
  • 迈克尔·杰克逊编词、编曲并演唱的的公益性歌曲三部曲之一《heal the world》[

    heal the world是由迈克尔·杰克逊编词、编曲并演唱的的公益性歌曲三部曲之一,更被誉为“世界上最动听的歌曲”。Heal the world是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,歌词说到:“沉思那潮生潮灭,世代更迭 说吧 说我们想要 想要为孩子们 和他们的子孙 营造更美好的家园 让他们明了,他们活在一个 较过去更加美好的世界 从而让他们坚信,他们也可以营造一个 愈加美好的世界。”

    1991年创作,Heal The World 是为了配合迈克尔自己的同名慈善组织所作,Heal the world是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,相当优秀,歌词倡导人们保护和珍惜我们的环境,让战争远离,世界和平,我们的心中都有一个地方,那就是爱,让我们营造一个没有战争、没有荒地,生机勃勃,到处充满了温暖和关怀的世界,让孩子们可以自由的欢笑,让世界充满爱。

    这是一首关于儿童、地球、爱心的优秀作品,词曲都是由迈克尔一手包办的。歌曲一开头,便是孩子们的嬉笑声、哭声……这也许是让我们从歌曲中体会到童真的可贵和重要性。迈克尔唱出了发自内心的心声。用心去聆听,就能体会歌曲当中流露出的情感。迈克尔的唱腔呈中性,体现了无与伦比的高超唱功,当之无愧的“假音之王”!他的声音似乎来自另一空间,纯洁而又充满童真。正是这样,他用这纯洁的歌声洗净了每颗心,挖掘了人心的善良。听了“Heal the world”之后,你会感到周围是充满爱心的,生活是充满希望的,感到改善这个世界的任务是重大的。我想只有世界没有了战争,儿童才是幸福的,地球才是美丽的。这首歌可谓旷世奇作!给人的感觉很多,触动着人们的心弦!给人们留下的思考也很多……

    Child:Think about um... the generations and say we wanna make it a better place for our children and our children's children,so that they ,they,they,they know it's a better world for them.And think they can make it a better place.
    There’s a place in your heart
    And I know that it is love
    And this place it was brighter than tomorrow
    And if you really try
    You’ll find there’s no need to cry
    In this place You’ll feel there’s no hurt or sorrow
    在这个地方 你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧
    There are ways to get there
    If you care enough for the living
    Make a little space
    Make a better place
    Heal the world Make it a better place
    拯救这世界 让它变得美好
    For you and for me and the entire human race
    为你 为我 为了全人类
    There are people dying
    If you care enough for the living
    Make a better place for you and for me
    就为你 为我 创造一个更加美好的世界
    If you want to know why
    There’s a love that cannot lie
    那是因为有一种爱 它不会说谎
    Love is strong It only cares for joyful giving
    爱是坚强的 爱就是心甘情愿地奉献
    If we try We shall see
    In this bliss We cannot feel fear or dread
    如果我们努力尝试 我们将会看见
    在这幸福中 我们感不到丝毫恐惧或畏忌
    We stop existing And start living
    我们不仅仅是活着 而是真正开始生活
    Then it feels that always
    Love’s enough for us growing
    那爱的感觉将延续下去 爱让我们不断成长
    Make a better world Make a better world
    创造一个更美好的世界 创造一个更美好的世界
    Heal the world Make it a better place
    拯救这世界 让它变得美好
    For you and for me and the entire human race
    为你 为我 为了全人类
    There are people dying
    If you care enough for the living
    Make a better place for you and for me
    就为你 为我 创造一个更加美好的世界
    And the dream we were conceived in
    Will reveal a joyful face
    我们心中的梦想 将绽放出笑脸
    And the world we once believed in
    Will shine again in grace
    我们曾经信赖的世界 会再次闪烁祥和的光芒
    Then why do we keep strangling life
    Wound this earth Crucify its soul
    伤害地球 扼杀它的灵魂
    Though it’s plain to see
    This world is heavenly be God’s glow
    虽然这很容易明白 这世界天生就是上帝的荣光
    We could fly so high
    Let our spirits never die
    我们可以在天空高高飞翔 让我们的精神不灭
    In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
    Create a world with no fear
    Together we’ll cry happy tears
    See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
    We could really get there
    If you care enough for the living
    我们真能达到那里 如果你真心关怀生命
    Make a little space To make a better place
    营造一些空间 创造一个更美好的地方
    Heal the world Make it a better place
    拯救这世界 让它变得美好
    For you and for me and the entire human race
    为你 为我 为了全人类
    There are people dying
    If you care enough for the living
    Make a better place for you and for me
    就为你 为我 创造一个更加美好的世界
    (Heal the world Make it a better place
    拯救这世界 让它变得美好
    For you and for me and the entire human race
    为你 为我 为了全人类
    There are people dying
    If you care enough for the living
    Make a better place for you and for me
    就为你 为我 创造一个更加美好的世界
    Heal the world Make it a better place
    拯救这世界 让它变得美好
    For you and for me and the entire human race
    为你 为我 为了全人类
    There are people dying
    If you care enough for the living
    Make a better place for you and for me
    就为你 为我 创造一个更加美好的世界
    There are people dying
    If you care enough for the living
    Make a better place for you and for me
    就为你 为我 创造一个更加美好的世界
    There are people dying
    If you care enough for the living
    Make a better place for you and for me
    就为你 为我 创造一个更加美好的世界
    You and for me 为你 为我
    (Make a better place 创造一个更美好的世界)
    You and for me 为你 为我
    (Make a better place 创造一个更美好的世界)
    You and for me 为你 为我
    (Make a better place 创造一个更美好的世界)
    You and for me 为你 为我
    Heal the world we live in 治愈我们所生活的世界
    (You and for me 为你 为我)
    Save it for our children 为我们的子孙保存它的美丽
    (You and for me 为你 为我)
    Heal the world we live in 治愈我们所生活的世界
    (You and for me 为你 为我)
    Save it for our children 为我们的子孙保存它的美丽
    (You and for me 为你 为我)
    Heal the world we live in 治愈我们所生活的世界
    (You and for me 为你 为我)
    Save it for our children 为我们的子孙保存它的美丽
    (You and for me 为你 为我)
    Heal the world we live in 治愈我们所生活的世界
    (You and for me 为你 为我)
    Save it for our children 为我们的子孙保存它的美丽
    (You and for me 为你 为我)

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 169 ℃
  • 性感三部曲之一《Dirty Diana》 - Michael Jackson[FLAC格式]

    "Dirty Diana"是《Bad》专辑的第5首单曲,同时给这张专辑带来了第5首冠军单曲,Dirty Diana表达的是屈服于欲望,满目地无助和挣扎。整首歌的高潮部分不断地间隔着低沉压抑的哭泣和怨尤的恐惧,既充满了对本能欲望的索求加屈服还有满足欲望之后的自我厌恶和内心挣扎之后的愤怒呐喊。 这首歌的MTV被许多MJ迷评为性感三部曲之一,讲述的是一个叫Diana的女乐迷在幕后勾引歌手的的故事。

    You'll Never Make Me Stay

    So Take Your Weight Off Of Me

    I Know Your Every Move

    So Won't You Just Let Me Be

    I've Been Here Times Before

    But I Was Too Blind To See

    That You Seduce Every Man

    This Time You Won’t Seduce Me

    She's Saying That's Ok

    Hey Baby Do What You Please

    I Have The Stuff That You Want

    I Am The Thing That You Need

    She Looked Me Deep In The Eyes

    She's Touchin Me So To Start

    She Says There's No Turnin Back

    She Trapped Me In Her Heart

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana No

    Dirty Diana

    Let Me Be

    She Likes The Boys In The Band

    She Knows When They Come To Town

    Every Musicians Fan After

    The Curtain Comes Down

    She Waits At Backstage Doors

    For Those Who Have Prestige

    Who Promise Fortune And Fame

    A Life Thats So Carefree

    She's Saying That's Ok

    Hey Baby Do What You Want

    I'll Be Your Night Lovin Thing

    I'll Be The Freak You Can Taunt

    And I Don't Care What You Say

    I Want To Go Too Far

    I'll Be Your Everything

    If You Make Me A Star

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana No

    Dirty Diana

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana No

    Dirty Diana



    Dirty Diana

    It's Dia Aa Aa

    Come On

    She Said I Have To Go Home

    'Cause I'm Real Tired You See

    But I Hate Sleepin' Alone

    Why Don't You Come With Me

    I Said My Baby's At Home

    She's Probably Worried Tonight

    I Didn't Call On The Phone To

    Say That I'm Alright

    Diana Walked Up To Me,

    She Said I'm All Yours Tonight

    At That I Ran To The Phone

    Sayin' Baby I'm Alright

    I Said But Unlock The Door,

    Because I Forgot The Key,

    She Said He's Not Coming Back

    Because He's Sleeping With Me

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, No

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana . . .

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 38 ℃
  • Michael Jackson自然的表演《Human Nature》[FLAC格式]

    《Human Nature》出自1982年的《Thriller》专辑。《Human Nature》在1983年7月3日作为专辑的第五部歌曲发行,但在英国没有同时公布。


    [1st Verse]

    Looking Out 向夜色中

    Across The Night Time 望去

    The City Winks A Sleepless Eye 城市眨着它不眠之眼

    Hear Her Voice 听她的声音

    Shake My Window 轻摇我的窗棂

    Sweet Seducing Sighs 那是甜蜜诱人的叹息


    《Human Nature》歌词本

    [2nd Verse]

    Get Me Out 让我到

    Into The Night-Time 夜色中去

    Four Walls Won't Hold Me Tonight 今晚的四壁关不住我

    If This Town 倘若这个小镇

    Is Just An Apple 就是一只苹果

    Then Let Me Take A Bite 那就让我来尝上一尝


    If They Say – 如果人们问


    Tell 'Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性


    Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向

    If They Say – 如果人们问—


    Tell 'Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性


    Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向

    [3rd Verse]

    Reaching Out 伸出手去

    To Touch A Stranger 给陌生人一个问候

    Electric Eyes Are Ev'rywhere 到处都是放电的眼神

    See That Girl 看那女孩

    She Knows I'm Watching 她知道我在看她

    She Likes The Way I Stare 她一定喜欢我注视的目光


    If They Say – 如果人们问


    Tell 'Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性


    Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向

    I Like Livin' This Way 我喜欢这种生活

    I Like Lovin' This Way 我喜欢这种爱的方式

    [4th Verse]

    Looking Out 向晨曦

    Across The Morning 望去

    The City's Heart Begins To Beat 城市又苏醒了活力

    Reaching Out 探出手去

    I Touch Her Shoulder 触摸到她的肩膀

    I'm Dreaming Of The Street 我在梦街上徜徉


    If They Say – 如果人们问


    Tell 'Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性


    Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向

    If They Say – 果人们问


    Tell 'Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性


    Does He Do Me That Way ;是它在为我指引方向

    I Like Livin' This Way 我喜欢这种生活

    I Like Lovin' This Way 我喜欢这种爱的方式

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 20 ℃
  • Michael Jackson精选专辑《Got The Hots》[FLAC格式]

    迈克尔杰克逊演唱的一首歌曲,收录于精选专辑King Of Pop和Thriller25周年专辑的日本版中。


    you know i can't be away from you, girl


    you've got me shaking


    i'm in love of all the things you do, girl


    my body is aching


    come on, baby, get up and rock,


    get to the real burn


    without your heart to me, the night


    will let me set you free


    chorus (合唱)

    our love will shine at the dawn of a brandnew feeling


    just take your time, now you see that the the magic's on its way


    girl, if we try, we can send all our senses


    (we will) we will pass the day


    you know i've got the hots tonight


    night, girl (girl)


    (hee) (MJ经典怪声1)

    (hoo) (MJ经典怪声2)

    verse 2

    i've got a heart beatin' just for you, girl


    you've got me shaking


    i tried all but i can't get you, girl


    my body is aching


    come on, baby, get up and rock


    get to the real burn (rock it, baby!)


    without your heart to me, the night


    will let me set you free


    (let me set you free, girl!)

    (就放你逃吧!女孩!) chorus (合唱)

    our love will shine at the dawn of a brandnew feeling


    just take your time, now you see that the the magic's on its way


    girl, if we try, we can send all our senses


    (we will) we will pass the day


    bridge baby, the love that is waiting inside your temper (hoo hee, hee-hee) 宝贝,你内心也在渴望爱吧

    show me the passion i feel with the body at your side (oh, girl)


    this is the time to discover the dream we live in (hee)


    girl, can't you feel it?


    time will be the only alife (aaow!)


    (ooh) (hee) don't you know?


    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 46 ℃
  • Michael欧美经典风《We'Re Almost There》[FLAC格式]

    所属专辑:《Anthology: The Best Of Michael Jackson》


    No matter how hard

    The task may seem

    Don't give up our plans

    Don't give up our dreams

    No broken bridges

    Can turn us around

    Cause what we're searchin' for

    Will soon be found

    Cause we're almost there

    Just one more step

    Just one more step

    Don't give up

    'Cause we're almost all almost there

    Look at the lonely lovers

    That didn't make it

    Life's long hard climb

    They just couldn't take it

    Don't let it happen to me and you

    Hold on together, darlin'

    We'll make it through

    Darlin', keep on reachin' out for me

    Keep on reachin

    Do it for me

    Do it for me

    cause baby

    'Cause we're almost there

    We're so close

    I can taste it

    A life so sweet

    Can't afford to waste it

    Need to feel your hand

    Slippin' from mine?

    Just hold on tighter now, darlin'

    Keep on tryin'

    Baby, do it for me, do it do it baby

    Just one more step

    Don't give up

    Just one more step

    Baby baby, don't give up

    Keep on, keep on

    Just one more step

    Just one more step

    Just one more step

    Just one more step

    We've come to far

    To turn around

    Keep on reachin'

    For higher ground

    We've had our ups and we've had our downs

    Let nothin' in the world darlin'

    Turn us around

    Cause we're almost there

    We're almost there

    We're almost there

    Ah we're almost there

    We're almost there

    We're almost there

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 16 ℃
  • 浪漫至极的《Rock With You》 - Michael Jackson[FLAC格式]

    "Rock With You"是一首极富节奏感和浪漫情调的情歌,旋律优美,Michael用他畅滑的声线演绎着性感,正如这首歌的歌名,你会在听到它的时候不住摇摆,歌曲本身极富意境,让你想到和恋人在夜晚相会,那夜莺美妙的旋律随着夜晚的浪漫一起回荡在你的耳边,极富浪漫的气息,加上Michael那让人回味无穷的声线。绝对是一首浪漫至极的歌曲。

    Rock with You

    Michael Jackson

    Girl, close your eyes

    Let that rhythm get into you

    Don@t try to fight it

    There ain@t nothing that you can

    Relax your mind

    Lay back and groove with mine

    You gotta feel that heat

    And we can ride the boogie

    Share that beat of love

    I wanna rock with you (all night)

    Dance you into day (sunlight)

    I wanna rock with you (all night)

    Rock the night away

    Out on the floor

    There ain@t nobody there but us

    Girl when you dance

    There@s a magic that must be love

    Just take it slow

    Cause we got so far to go

    You gotta feel that heat

    And we can ride the boogie

    Share that beat of love

    I wanna rock with you (all night)

    Dance you into day (sunlight)

    I wanna rock with you (all night)

    Rock the night away

    And when the groove is dead and gone (yeah)

    You know that love survives

    So we can rock forever, on

    I wanna rock with you

    I wanna groove with you

    I wanna rock with you

    I wanna groove with you

    I wanna rock (all night) with you girl (sunlight)

    Rock with you, rock with you girl (yeah) (all night)

    Dance the night away

    I wanna rock with you (yeah) (all night)

    Rock you into day (sunlight)

    I wanna rock with you (all night)

    Rock the night away

    Feel the heat feel the heat

    Rock you into day (sunlight)

    I wanna rock-rock the night away.

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 49 ℃
  • Michael Jackson第一首个人冠军单曲《Ben》[FLAC格式]

    Ben是Michael Jackson的第一首个人冠军单曲也是他少年时期的唯一冠军曲(美国),Michael用他那年少的还没有变声的嗓音展现了他的演唱功力。这首歌是由Walter Scharf和Donald Black作词谱曲,出自Michael的第二张个人专辑《Ben》。

    "Ben"是一首让人第一次听上就无比喜欢的歌曲,Michael用缓慢、柔情的声音掀开了序幕,之后他的声音逐渐上扬,达到高潮,使得歌曲起伏有致、扣人心弦。这首仅仅两分钟多的歌曲,令人难以置信地仿佛游历了一次音乐之行。此曲是Michael Jackson在摩城时期最为成功的个人单曲,在其个人演艺生涯当中具有重要的意义。


    Michael Jackson


    Ben, the two of us need look no more

    We both found what we were looking for

    With a friend to call my own

    I'll never be alone

    And you, my friend will see

    You've got a friend in me

    (You've got a friend in me)

    Ben, you're always running here and there

    (Here and there)

    You feel you're not wanted anywhere


    If you ever look behind

    And don't like what you find

    There's something you should know

    You've got a place to go

    (You've got a place to go)

    I used to say "I" and "me"

    Now it's "us", now it's "we"

    (I used to say "I" and "me"

    Now it's "us", now it's "we")

    Ben, most people would turn you away

    (Turn you away)

    I don't listen to a word they say

    (A word they say)

    They don't see you as I do

    I wish they would try to

    I'm sure they'd think again

    If they had a friend like Ben

    (A friend)

    Like Ben

    (Like Ben)

    Like Ben

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 68 ℃
  • 人性《Human Nature》 - Michael Jackson [FLAC格式]

    《Human Nature》出自1982年的《Thriller》专辑。《Human Nature》在1983年7月3日作为专辑的第五部歌曲发行,但在英国没有同时公布。歌曲由托托乐队成员创作,制作人昆西琼斯希望他们能够被包含在《Thriller》中。琼斯不喜欢托托乐队的歌曲,但享受“在磁带的人类自然的表演”。后来又修改了歌词。

    Human Nature

    Michael Jackson

    Looking out

    Across the nighttime

    The city winks a sleepless eye

    Hear her voice

    Shake my window

    Sweet seducing sighs

    Get me out

    Into the nighttime

    Four walls won't hold me tonight

    If this town

    Is just an apple

    Then let me take a bite

    If they say --

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature

    Why, why, does he do me that way

    If they say --

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature

    Why, why does he do me that way

    Reaching out

    To touch a stranger

    Electric eyes are ev'rywhere

    See that girl

    She knows I'm watching

    She likes the way I stare

    If they say --

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature

    Why, why, does he do me that way

    If they say --

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature

    Why, why does he do me that way

    I like lovin' this way

    I like lovin' this way

    Looking out

    Across the morning

    Where the city's heart begins to beat

    Reaching out

    I touch her shoulder

    I'm dreaming of the street

    If they say --

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature

    Why, why, does he do me that way

    If they say --

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature

    Why, why does he do me that way


    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 19 ℃
  • Michael Jackson新歌《Got The Hots》[FLAC格式]

    迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson),1958年08月29日在美国印第安纳州加里市出生,美国歌手、词曲创作人、舞蹈家、表演家、慈善家、音乐家、人道主义者、和平主义者、慈善机构创办人。











    (Chigga, chigga)


    You know I can't be away from you, girl

    You've got me shaking

    I'm in love of all the things you do, girl

    My body is aching

    Come on, baby, get up and rock, get to the real burn

    Without your heart to me, the night

    Will let me set you free


    Our love will shine at the dawn of a brandnew feeling

    Just take your time, now you see that the the magic's on it's way

    Girl, if we try, we can send all our senses

    (We will) We will pass the day

    You know I've got the hots tonight


    Night, girl (girl)




    I've got a heart beatin' just for you, girl

    You've got me shaking

    I tried all but I can't get you, girl

    My body is aching

    Come on, baby, get up and rock, get to the real burn (rock it, baby!)

    Without your heart to me, the night

    Will let me set you free (let me set you free, girl!)


    Our love will shine at the dawn of a brandnew feeling

    Just take your time, now you see that the the magic's on it's way

    Girl, if we try, we can send all our senses

    (We will) We will pass the day


    You know I've got the hots tonight


    (Tonight, girl)



    Baby, the love that is waiting inside your temper (hoo hee, hee-hee)

    Show me the passion I feel with the body at your side (oh, girl)

    This is the time to discover the dream we live in (hee)

    Girl, can't you feel it?

    Time will be the only alife (aaow!)





    Don't you know?


    Our love will shine at the dawn of a brandnew feeling

    Just take your time, now you see that the the magic's on it's way (aah, magic's on it's way)

    Girl, if we try, we can send all our senses (take your time)

    (We will) We will pass the day


    You know I've got the hots tonight


    Our love will shine at the dawn of a brandnew feeling (girl, girl)

    (Girl, yeah) Just take your time, now you see that the the magic's on it's way (take your time)

    (Take your time, girl) Girl, if we try, we can send all our senses (we can try, we can try)

    (We will) We will pass the day


    You know I've got the hots tonight


    Our love will shine at the dawn of a brandnew feeling (no other, no other)

    Just take your time, now you see that the the magic's on it's way (take your time, take your time)

    Girl, if we try, we can send all our senses (tiiiiiiiiiiime aaahaaaaa)

    (We will) We will pass the day


    You know I've got the hots tonight

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 28 ℃
  • 将摇滚的喧嚣与暴戾发挥到极致《Dirty Diana》 - Michael Jackson[FLAC格式]

    该曲由迈克尔杰克逊创作并录制,发表于1987年的《 bad 》专辑。在该曲中被MJ痛骂的风骚女子名为 Diana,这与当时的英国王妃戴安娜的名字是一样的,所以被误以为是MJ借歌曲里面讽刺戴安娜王妃,但这只不过是一个巧合,MJ曾在公共场合表示过对戴安娜王妃的倾慕。更有趣的是,这却是戴安娜王妃最喜欢MJ的歌曲之一。MJ 1988年在英国巡演时,考虑到这首歌可能会冒犯戴安娜王妃,最初将这首歌从巡演节目中移除了。戴安娜王妃听说后特地请求迈克尔杰克逊演唱这首歌,并在7月16号的演唱会中与查尔斯王子亲自到在Wembly Statium的演出现场观看,可见这首歌的独特魅力,Dirty Diana是公认的MJ最疯狂最HI的一首歌。

    You'll Never Make Me Stay

    So Take Your Weight Off Of Me

    I Know Your Every Move

    So Won't You Just Let Me Be

    I've Been Here Times Before

    But I Was Too Blind To See

    That You Seduce Every Man

    This Time You Won’t Seduce Me

    She's Saying That's Ok

    Hey Baby Do What You Please

    I Have The Stuff That You Want

    I Am The Thing That You Need

    She Looked Me Deep In The Eyes

    She's Touchin Me So To Start

    She Says There's No Turnin Back

    She Trapped Me In Her Heart

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana No

    Dirty Diana

    Let Me Be

    She Likes The Boys In The Band

    She Knows When They Come To Town

    Every Musicians Fan After

    The Curtain Comes Down

    She Waits At Backstage Doors

    For Those Who Have Prestige

    Who Promise Fortune And Fame

    A Life Thats So Carefree

    She's Saying That's Ok

    Hey Baby Do What You Want

    I'll Be Your Night Lovin Thing

    I'll Be The Freak You Can Taunt

    And I Don't Care What You Say

    I Want To Go Too Far

    I'll Be Your Everything

    If You Make Me A Star

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana No

    Dirty Diana

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana Nah

    Dirty Diana No

    Dirty Diana



    Dirty Diana

    It's Dia Aa Aa

    Come On

    She Said I Have To Go Home

    'Cause I'm Real Tired You See

    But I Hate Sleepin' Alone

    Why Don't You Come With Me

    I Said My Baby's At Home

    She's Probably Worried Tonight

    I Didn't Call On The Phone To

    Say That I'm Alright

    Diana Walked Up To Me,

    She Said I'm All Yours Tonight

    At That I Ran To The Phone

    Sayin' Baby I'm Alright

    I Said But Unlock The Door,

    Because I Forgot The Key,

    She Said He's Not Coming Back

    Because He's Sleeping With Me

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, No

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana . . .

    Come On!...


    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 30 ℃
  • Michael Jackson欧美流行金曲《Human Nature》[FLAC格式] 

    If they say --,Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature,Why, why, does he do me that way,If they say -- 


    Human Nature 

    Michael Jackson 

    Looking out 

    Across the nighttime 

    The city winks a sleepless eye 

    Hear her voice 

    Shake my window 

    Sweet seducing sighs 

    Get me out 

    Into the nighttime 

    Four walls won't hold me tonight 

    If this town 

    Is just an apple 

    Then let me take a bite 

    If they say -- 

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature 

    Why, why, does he do me that way 

    If they say -- 

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature 

    Why, why does he do me that way 

    Reaching out 

    To touch a stranger 

    Electric eyes are ev'rywhere 

    See that girl 

    She knows I'm watching 

    She likes the way I stare 

    If they say -- 

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature 

    Why, why, does he do me that way 

    If they say -- 

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature 

    Why, why does he do me that way 

    I like lovin' this way 

    I like lovin' this way 

    Looking out 

    Across the morning 

    Where the city's heart begins to beat 

    Reaching out 

    I touch her shoulder 

    I'm dreaming of the street 

    If they say -- 

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature 

    Why, why, does he do me that way 

    If they say -- 

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature 

    Why, why does he do me that way 

    If they say -- 

    Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature 

    Why, why does he do me that way 

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 17 ℃
  • Michael Jackson浪漫情调的情歌《Rock With You》[FLAC格式]

    "Rock With You"出自专辑《Off The Wall》(1979),是一首极富节奏感和浪漫情调的情歌,旋律优美,Michael用他畅滑的声线演绎着性感,正如这首歌的歌名,你会在听到它的时候不住摇摆,歌曲本身极富意境,让你想到和恋人在夜晚相会,那夜莺美妙的旋律随着夜晚的浪漫一起回荡在你的耳边,极富浪漫的气息,加上Michael那让人回味无穷的声线。绝对是一首浪漫至极的歌曲。这首歌曲在当时的排行榜的冠军宝座上占据了四周。

    Rock with You

    Michael Jackson

    Girl, close your eyes

    Let that rhythm get into you

    Don't try to fight it

    There ain't nothing that you can

    Relax your mind

    Lay back and groove with mine

    You gotta feel that heat

    And we can ride the boogie

    Share that beat of love

    I wanna rock with you (all night)

    Dance you into day (sunlight)

    I wanna rock with you (all night)

    Rock the night away

    Out on the floor

    There ain't nobody there but us

    Girl when you dance

    There's a magic that must be love

    Just take it slow

    Cause we got so far to go

    You gotta feel that heat

    And we can ride the boogie

    Share that beat of love

    I wanna rock with you (all night)

    Dance you into day (sunlight)

    I wanna rock with you (all night)

    Rock the night away

    And when the groove is dead and gone (yeah)

    You know that love survives

    So we can rock forever, on

    I wanna rock with you

    I wanna groove with you

    I wanna rock with you

    I wanna groove with you

    I wanna rock (all night) with you girl (sunlight)

    Rock with you, rock with you girl (yeah) (all night)

    Dance the night away

    I wanna rock with you (yeah) (all night)

    Rock you into day (sunlight)

    I wanna rock with you (all night)

    Rock the night away

    Feel the heat feel the heat

    Rock you into day (sunlight)

    I wanna rock-rock the night away.

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 23 ℃
  • Michael Jackson欧美流行金曲《Got The Hots》[FLAC格式] 

    专辑:The Ultimate Fan  That's the day,You know I got the hots tonight,Our love will shine at the dawn of a brand new feeling,Just take your time and you'll see that,the magic's on its way


    Got The Hots - Michael Jackson

    You know I can't get away from you girl

    (You've got me shaking)

    I need all of the things you do girl

    (My body's aching)

    Come on, baby

    Get up, and rock it to the rhythm

    Put out your heart to me

    And lady let me set you free

    Our love will shine at the dawn of a brand new feeling

    Just take your time and you'll see that the magic's on its way

    Girl if we try

    We can set all our senses reeling

    That's the day

    You know I got the hots tonight

    Now girl



    I go heart beating just for you girl

    (You've got me shaking)

    I've tried all but I can't get you girl

    (My body's aching)

    Come on, baby

    Get up, and rock it to the rhythm

    (Rock it baby)

    Put out your heart to me

    And lady let me set you free

    Our love will shine at the dawn of a brand new feeling

    Just take your time and you'll see that the magic's on its way

    Girl if we try

    We can set all our senses reeling

    That's the day

    You know I got the hots tonight

    Tonight girl

    Baby the love that is waiting inside you baby

    Show me the passion and feel when I'm by your side

    This is the time to discover the dream we make girl

    Girl can you feel it

    Time of your life

    Don't you know

    Our love will shine at the dawn of a brand new feeling

    Just take your time and you'll see that the magic's on its way

    Girl if we try

    We can set all our senses reeling

    That's the day

    You know I got the hots tonight

    Our love will shine at the dawn of a brand new feeling

    Just take your time and you'll see that the magic's on its way

    Girl if we try

    We can set all our senses reeling

    That's the day

    You know I got the hots tonight

    Our love will shine at the dawn of a brand new feeling

    Just take your time and you'll see that the magic's on its way

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 24 ℃
  • Michael Jackson欧美流行金曲《Dirty Diana》[FLAC格式] 

    所属专辑: 《Instrumental Hits Of Michael Jackson CD2 CD2》 She ran underneath the table,He could see she was unable,So she ran into the bedroom,She was struck down, it was her doom


    As he came into the window

    It was the sound of a crescendo

    He came into her apartement

    He left the bloodstains on the carpet

    She ran underneath the table

    He could see she was unable

    So she ran into the bedroom

    She was struck down, it was her doom

    Annie, are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok

    Are you ok, Annie

    Annie, are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok

    Are you ok, Annie

    Annie, are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok?

    Are you ok, Annie?

    Annie, are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok, are you ok Annie?

    Annie are you ok?

    Will you tell us that you're ok?

    There's a sign in the window

    That he struck you - a crescendo Annie

    He came into your apartement

    He left the bloodstains on the carpet

    The you ran into the bedroom

    You were struck down

    It was your doom

    Annie, are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok?

    Are you ok, Annie?

    Annie, are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok?

    Are you ok, Annie?

    Annie, are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok?

    Are you ok, Annie?

    You've been hit by

    You've been hit by -

    a smooth criminal

    So they came into the outway

    It was Sunday - what a black day

    Mouth to mouth resuscitation

    Sounding heartbeats - intimidations

    Annie, are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok

    Are you ok, Annie

    Annie, are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok

    Are you ok, Annie

    Annie, are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok?

    Are you ok, Annie?

    Annie, are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok, are you ok Annie?

    Annie are you ok?

    Will you tell us that you're ok?

    There's a sign in the window

    That he struck you - a crescendo Annie

    He came into your apartement

    Left the bloodstains on the carpet

    The you ran into the bedroom

    You were struck down

    It was your doom

    Annie are you ok?

    So, Annie are you ok?

    Are you ok Annie?

    You've been hit by

    You've been struck by

    a smooth criminal)

    Okay, I want everybody to clear

    the area right now!

    Annie are you ok?

    Will you tell us that you're ok?

    There's a sign in the window

    That he struck you - a crescendo Annie

    He came into your apartement

    Left the bloodstains on the carpet

    The you ran into the bedroom

    You were struck down

    It was your doom - Annie!

    Annie are you ok?

    Will you tell us that you're ok?

    There's a sign in the window

    That he struck you - a crescendo Annie

    He came into your apartement

    Left the bloodstains on the carpet

    The you ran into the bedroom

    You were struck down

    It was your doom - Annie

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 22 ℃
  • Michael Jackson欧美流行金曲《Rock With You》[FLAC格式] 

    《Rock With You》(与你共舞)是流行音乐天王Michael Jackson(迈克尔杰克逊)首张成年个人专辑《Off The Wall》(疯狂)中的单曲。"Rock With You"出自专辑《Off The Wall》(1979),是一首极富节奏感和浪漫情调的情歌,旋律优美,Michael用他畅滑的声线演绎着性感,正如这首歌的歌名,你会在听到它的时候不住摇摆,歌曲本身极富意境,让你想到和恋人在夜晚相会,那夜莺美妙的旋律随着夜晚的浪漫一起回荡在你的耳边,极富浪漫的气息,加上Michael那让人回味无穷的声线。绝对是一首浪漫至极的歌曲。这首歌曲在当时的排行榜的冠军宝座上占据了四周。


    Rock With You 与你共舞

    [1st Verse]

    Girl, Close Your Eyes 女孩啊,闭上眼睛

    Let That Rhythm Get Into You 让节奏与你融为一体

    Don't Try To Fight It 不要试图抗拒

    There Ain't Nothin' That You Can Do 因为你无法抵挡

    Relax Your Mind 放松心情

    Lay Back And Groove With Mine ;跟着我轻轻起舞

    You Got To Feel That Heat 快去感受那份兴奋

    And We Can Ride The Boogie 这样我们才能继续摇摆

    Share That Beat Of Love 分享那爱的节拍


    I Wanna Rock With You (All Night) 我想与你共舞(整个晚上)

    Dance You Into Day (Sunlight) 一直跳到天亮(阳光万丈)

    I Wanna Rock With You (All Night) 我想与你共舞(整个晚上)

    We're Gonna Rock The Night Away 我们将彻夜狂欢

    [2nd Verse]

    Out On The Floor 舞池之上

    There Ain't Nobody There But Us 只有我俩

    Girl, When You Dance 女孩啊,当你起舞之时

    There's A Magic That Must Be Love 神奇的爱恋升华在我心间

    Just Take It Slow 不要着急

    'Cause We Got So Far To Go 我们的爱前程漫漫

    When You Feel That Heat 快去感受那份兴奋

    And We're Gonna Ride The Boogie 这样我们才能继续摇摆

    Share That Beat Of Love 分享那爱的节拍


    I Wanna Rock With You (All Night) 我想与你共舞(整个晚上)

    Dance You Into Day (Sunlight) 一直跳到天亮(阳光万丈)

    I Wanna Rock With You (All Night) 我想与你共舞(整个晚上)

    We're Gonna Rock The Night Away 我们将彻夜狂欢


    And When The Groove Is Dead And Gone (Yeah) 哪怕舞曲随风逝去

    You Know That Love Survives 但你知道,只要爱在心中幸存

    So We Can Rock Forever, On 我们就能继续摇摆,直到永远


    I Wanna Rock With You 我要与你共舞

    I Wanna Groove With You 我要与你摇摆

    I Wanna Rock With You 我要与你共舞

    I Wanna Groove With You 我要与你摇摆

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 19 ℃
  • Michael Jackson欧美流行金曲《We'Re Almost There》[FLAC格式] 

    所属专辑: 《Forever Michael》 Let nothin' in the world darlin',Turn us around,Cause we're almost there,We're almost there,We're almost there,Ah we're almost there


    No matter how hard

    The task may seem

    Don't give up our plans

    Don't give up our dreams

    No broken bridges

    Can turn us around

    Cause what we're searchin' for

    Will soon be found

    Cause we're almost there

    Just one more step

    Just one more step

    Don't give up

    'Cause we're almost all almost there

    Look at the lonely lovers

    That didn't make it

    Life's long hard climb

    They just couldn't take it

    Don't let it happen to me and you

    Hold on together, darlin'

    We'll make it through

    Darlin', keep on reachin' out for me

    Keep on reachin

    Do it for me

    Do it for me

    cause baby

    'Cause we're almost there

    We're so close

    I can taste it

    A life so sweet

    Can't afford to waste it

    Need to feel your hand

    Slippin' from mine?

    Just hold on tighter now, darlin'

    Keep on tryin'

    Baby, do it for me, do it do it baby

    Just one more step

    Don't give up

    Just one more step

    Baby baby, don't give up

    Keep on, keep on

    Just one more step

    Just one more step

    Just one more step

    Just one more step

    We've come to far

    To turn around

    Keep on reachin'

    For higher ground

    We've had our ups and we've had our downs

    Let nothin' in the world darlin'

    Turn us around

    Cause we're almost there

    We're almost there

    We're almost there

    Ah we're almost there

    We're almost there

    We're almost there


    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 27 ℃