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  • PeterBroderick-Wild Food[FLAC]

    PeterBroderick-Wild Food
    Did you know that the Dandelion has real tasty young leaves?

    And those bright yellow flowers are delicious

    And if you dig up the root and roast it

    It sure does smell real sweet

    That's what we call Dandelion Coffee

    Have you ever tried a Stinging Nettle?

    If you cook 'em up they don't hurt

    Well I like to turn 'em into soup

    Or you can pour a little boiled water on 'em, turn 'em into a tea

    Well that's totally fine by me

    Just as long as you get Wild Food

    I want me some of that Wild Food

    It's my favorite, Wild Food

    Come on, dude!

    There's a plant called Goose Grass or Cleavers

    It'll stick to you like glue

    But if you get it down it's real good for you

    And I've heard it'll clean your lymphatic but I don't know what that means

    I just like my wild greens

    And there's one called Sea Beet

    I'll bet you can guess where that grows

    If ya doesn't already knows

    And if you can't figure that one out well then somebody oughta tell

    Tell you that you're dumb as hell

    And you oughta eat some Wild Food

    'Cause that'll help ya, Wild Food

    It'll make ya smarter, Wild Food

    Come on, dude!

    There's a little plant called Wood Sorrel

    It's got three heart-shaped leaves

    Even the kids like the taste of that one

    It's a little tart and sour like a lemon but when I see a patch

    I just can't help but go over and snatch

    And you can eat the whole plant of Red Clover

    But the flower's my favorite part

    And I've heard it's good for the heart

    And speakin' of the heart, well there's no better plant than old Hawthorn

    Don't be scared away by the crown Jesus worn

    Well he must've liked his Wild Food

    It used to be all Wild Food

    But now it's rarely Wild Food

    Come on, dude!

    You work a job for money

    You spend the money on food

    And then you go to the gym and spend more money

    To get rid of the food

    Well how 'bout spendin' the day outside

    Runnin' through the trees, now that's exercise

    Fillin' up your basket, snackin' all the way

    Eatin' that delicious, highly nutritious

    The best food available on planet Earth, folks!

    Forget about Organic! Forget about Non-GMO!

    Just give me some of that Wild Food

    It's all I want now, Wild Food

    It's my favorite, Wild Food

    Come on, dude!

    Seriously folks

    People look down at these plants and call 'em weeds

    I say turn those pests into pesto!!!

    2020-10-06 17:50:24 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • PeterBroderick-Whats Wrong with a Straight Up Love Song[FLAC]

    PeterBroderick-Whats Wrong with a Straight Up Love Song
    It started with that storm over the sea

    Without it we may never have met

    But once I planned a future crossing it was all set

    Though I didn't know just yet

    I would soon give my heart to a woman

    Her kindness was the first impression on me

    The kind of kindness that comes from deep within

    And when I saw that smile gently glowin'

    I knew that I was in

    I could give away my heart to this one

    A friend once said

    "If a soul is anything, perhaps a soul is a voice"

    And soon enough that smile gave way

    To a sound that left me no choice

    In the months that followed I listened to her often

    As if that captured soul had captured me

    And although she was across the world I felt lucky

    That a turbulent sea

    Could make a way for my heart to meet this woman

    And then began professional relations

    We went out on the road to share our songs

    And though I felt the feelings growing stronger

    I thought it might be wrong

    To open up my heart to this one

    When I was young they always said

    "The man should make a move first"

    Well lucky for me in the 21st century

    That balloon has burst

    Early romance is always such a treat

    And this little treat was tasty as can be

    We fit so well into each other's story

    It was hard to believe

    That my heart could feel so loved by another

    And then I met her golden little boy

    Four years young, so full of life and love

    But every time I had to say, "Goodbye dears"

    'Cause of visas and stuff

    I'd have to rip away my heart from those two

    When I told my grandma that we had plans to marry

    She said, "I just know this is right for you"

    What more blessing could I ask for?

    Oh wait . . . the father!

    The father of the bride to be said ok

    So in summer of '16 we made it real

    And then we found our first home together

    An odd little family

    I had given her my heart officially

    It wasn't long before we hit a dark patch

    Certain histories are full of pain

    And the truth is sometimes hard to see

    It can make you start to feel a little insane

    And you ask, "How did my little heart end up in this one?"

    Well nothing can be easy all the time, no siree

    And love is more than fluff

    Sometimes it's thorny as can be

    At first I may have been trying to avoid the scratches

    But now I've learned to focus on the balm

    And after each tornado that we pass through

    There's a bigger sense of calm

    And I know this makes my heart keep growing

    For both of us it's brand new territory

    Never had we been with one so far

    So when I get a little lost

    I hope you don't get out of the car

    For you'd take my little heart right with you

    Now don't get me wrong

    I'm know I'm not the only driver in this rig

    I think we've got ourselves a tractor here

    Let's see how deep we can dig

    'Cause a-deep deep diggin' is what you like to do

    And I'm so glad that I get to dig with you

    And I wonder what discoveries await us

    As we dig up the dirt, we pile it up

    And that makes a mountain called trust

    And the objects we find, from ancient times

    They all piece together somehow, they must

    And the mysteries down there, they take to the air

    They come to be known as dust

    But the journey itself is what it's all about

    So when I think about that stormy weather

    Responsible for this journey that we've shared

    I want to make it clear that I'm so thankful

    I'm so glad that you dared

    To share that big old heart with me, dear

    Now I just want you to be happy as can be, dear

    And I hope we'll have many more cups of tea, dear

    And I really do wish the best for your career

    And not just 'cause that could mean less work for me, dear

    I love ya 'til the cows come home to feed, dear

    And I still love ya when the cows eat the whole field clear

    And I know that you won't eat those cows with me, dear

    But that's your choice and I want you to be free, dear

    Besides, there's so many things on which we agree, dear

    So I hope you're glad that you ended up with me, dear

    And there's just one more thing I'd like to make real clear

    This old world would have a big hole without you here

    2020-10-06 17:49:26 欧美音乐下载热度 2 ℃
  • PeterBroderick-Let It Go[FLAC]

    PeterBroderick-Let It Go
    There was a time when I fully embraced it

    But now I can hardly face it

    Face the truth of where I stand on this line

    Curving up, bringing down what I see as natural time

    I hope I can keep up

    I hope I can keep up

    It's not a race, now, to the end of the maze

    But I see these machines eating up all of our days

    And I'm pulled both ways

    To leave it or stay

    So should I try to keep up?

    Oh will I try to keep up?

    The old mystic in me wants to believe we don't need all this technology

    And I know it's not in my hands

    I'm just one little grain in all these shifting sands

    There's a lot you don't see in this life

    But sometimes you pick up on something in your strife

    I hope I can pick up

    I hope I can pick it up

    There's no use in fighting against an inevitability

    But if you don't listen to suspicions at all then you'll always agree

    And I know there's no sense in trying to be the world's police

    But I wanna see humans and cities as more than just a disease

    There's a problem with the term 'nature'

    As if we're not a part of her

    And this mindset to conquer

    Comes to no good end, of that I'm sure

    I hope we can let go

    I hope we can let it go

    2020-10-06 17:48:38 欧美音乐下载热度 19 ℃
  • PeterBroderick-Ode to Blackberry[FLAC]

    PeterBroderick-Ode to Blackberry

    So stubborn and lovely

    On a summer's day

    All that purple on my face

    And when I go to sleep I dream

    Dream of Blackberry

    So twisted and tasty

    Oh when I make a pie

    Or jam you might ask why

    But if you just gave them a try

    2020-10-06 17:47:56 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • PeterBroderick-The Niece[FLAC]

    PeterBroderick-The Niece
    Bring peace to the niece

    Bring bread to the homestead

    Bring love from above

    On the surface there's a young girl growin' up, as you do

    On the wild, wild ride that's teenage youth

    But as this flame starts a-showin' its true glow

    I see another drawin' in as if it's time to go

    What's the catch, I ask, for this pretty flower

    I don't pretend to hold all the world's power

    And I don't wanna mess with the sacred, cyclical flow

    But when I think of sayin' goodbye to this tree

    Everything inside of me says no . . . no!

    What falls to the ground nurtures the soil

    The breeding grounds for a whole new life of toil

    But in the midst of all the struggles and pain

    The image of your beauty, Mama, will always remain

    Bring peace to the niece and her grandma

    2020-10-06 17:47:27 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • PeterBroderick-What Happened to Your Heart[FLAC]

    PeterBroderick-What Happened to Your Heart
    What happened to your heart?

    Was it just faulty from the start?

    Sometimes I've wondered

    If you locked something up in there

    That gnawed and clawed

    At the most vital parts of your most vital organ

    Until bang!

    That thing just stopped working, stopped working

    So what happened to your heart?

    Did you see it coming, Grandpa?

    You must've known the family history

    Felt yourself as a branch of that tree

    Or maybe you thought that you were different

    "Well, I'm not a branch, I'm a fruit

    And I'm gonna get eaten up by a big old crow

    And fly away from this old tree

    Then I'll be free . . . I'll be freeeeeeee!"

    But what happened to your heart?

    Was there something you could have done differently?

    It eats away at me, I would've loved to see

    See you with a happy heart

    Those ashes of yours scattered

    Into the atmosphere

    They break up so small

    To human eyes they disappear

    But maybe once the get that tiny

    They finally just get to do what they want

    No longer directed by the wind

    Or any of these so-called forces of nature

    They cruise around, they teleport

    They're swirling around us now

    So Grandpa George, while you're here

    Would you please just tell me

    What happened to your heart?

    2020-10-06 17:46:56 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • PeterBroderick-But[FLAC]

    I've seen what you do with your hands and I like it

    Although I didn't really notice when I was younger

    Back then I was always lookin' for the cutting edge

    I was a clean cut hedge

    But now I let these thorny vines grow wild

    And when I trim them down I weave myself a little basket

    Out of this Earth I came

    Out of the Earth you came

    And into this Earth I'll go

    Into the Earth you'll go

    At least my material

    Your boat might keep you afloat, but does it let you fly?

    Or do you just leave that part to your kids now?

    I've never really known just what your ambitions are

    I know you're dealin' with a scar

    But I wanna believe this urge in me

    To go and live out in the trees

    In large part comes from my P-O-P

    Out of the Earth we came

    Out of the Earth you came

    And into the Earth we'll go

    Into the Earth you'll go

    At least our material

    And the rest will travel

    On a bridge up in the sky

    Through the cosmos way up high

    Connect the dots from star to star until

    Until what?



    Until you like your butt

    Wait . . . what??

    Until you get to another world where you like your butt

    What's wrong with my butt?

    I thought you said you didn't like your butt?

    Yeah, but

    No, but

    Maybe, but


    2020-10-06 17:45:25 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • PeterBroderick-Stop and Listen[FLAC]

    PeterBroderick-Stop and Listen
    You can only be as happy as the world that you live in

    And the world'll surely tell you how she's feelin' if you listen

    You can listen with your eyes, you can listen with your nose

    You could probably even listen with your elbows, I suppose

    But you can only be as healthy as the world that you live in

    And the world is gonna tell you how she's feelin' if you just stop and listen

    You can only be as happy as the organs in your body

    So take care of all your parts 'cause they're the only ones you got-y

    Take care of you liver and take care of your spleen

    They say appendixes don't have a purpose but I just think that's mean

    And you can only be as healthy as the organs in your body

    So take care of all those organs 'cause you know that they're the only ones you got-y

    And you can only be as happy as your friends and your family

    So quit actin' like you don't need 'em and start to give a damn-ly

    Give a damn about your sister, give a damn about your dad

    Give a damn about your dog when you can tell he's feelin' sad

    'Cause you can only be as healthy as your friends and your family

    So quit actin' like you don't need 'em and show 'em that you really give a damn-ly

    You can only be as happy as the world that you live in

    And the world'll surely tell you how she's feelin' if you listen

    You can listen with your brain, you can listen with your heart

    And you might just start to wish that you'd been listenin' from the start

    And you can only be as healthy as the world that you live in

    And the world is gonna tell you how she's feelin' if you just stop

    And listen

    2020-10-06 17:43:02 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • PeterBroderick-《Blackberry》专辑[FLAC]

    01 PeterBroderick-Stop and Listen
    02 PeterBroderick-But
    03 PeterBroderick-What Happened to Your Heart
    04 PeterBroderick-The Niece
    05 PeterBroderick-Ode to Blackberry
    06 PeterBroderick-Let It Go
    07 PeterBroderick-Whats Wrong with a Straight Up Love Song
    08 PeterBroderick-Wild Food

    2020-10-06 17:29:57 音乐专辑下载热度 1 ℃