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  • LupeFiasco,KaelinEllis,CrystalTorres,GrahamBurris-SLEDOM[FLAC]


    2020-07-30 09:33:57 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • LupeFiasco,KaelinEllis,VirgilAbloh-SHOES [FLAC]

    SHOES(feat. Virgil Abloh) (Explicit) - Lupe Fiasco/Kaelin Ellis/Virgil Abloh

    Composed by:Virgil Abloh/Kaelin Ellis/Wasalu Jaco p/k/a: Lupe Fisaco

    Been standing in line since Thursday

    I heard a rumor they might be dropping them early

    Should have 'em just in time for your birthday

    Irrelevant holiday affair

    Got one of those three-leg folding chairs

    I am what you call prepared for the campout

    Evening brings the battery-powered lamps out

    Warm clothes but blanket 'case it get cold

    Corn chips and basic staples to hold

    Hunger over till Uber Eats is ordered

    Maybe pizza or quesadillas and sopa

    Got a little cooler with assorted waters and sodas

    Cinnamon sugar-coated malassada the odor

    Makes me the envy of the line

    If not the enemy not my energy

    I'll be spending plenty of time

    Inside the books that I bought

    Got audios and regulars

    Quite the party goer and reveler

    So on today's to-do list is to design a pair of running shoes

    The goal is as always in my work

    Is to add emotion to inanimate objects so

    Release day is finally upon us

    More celebratory than the former

    But mixed with bittersweet vibes most certainly switched to different beats

    More policed than Justinian's Byzantinian Christian beliefs

    There's a risen rhythm you can feel it all in the streets

    Like a marathon or a parade

    Poets might wanna pull they pens out like grenades

    Or that model for a year and a half

    And write down all the tears and the laughs

    A shot across the bow of the tyrannous class

    Quote from man standing on float

    The whole event is just biggest-fan-channeling d**e

    I mean one just feels privileged and esteemed

    Inwardly serene and spiritually clean

    Even the line feels like a team

    In stark opposition to a competition for things

    With that these shoes that we are about to design with words

    Starts with a sole

    Not a sole but soul you know what touches you to earth

    That's floating in nowhere the soul

    With touching signs of equality to match

    White kid at the front let me go first cause I was black

    Said it was only right

    He was used to having head starts his entire life

    Maybe it was time to step aside like trilobites

    Touching I never forget it like riding bikes

    The ordeal starts to spring feelings like guiding light

    Permanent villains go about chilling they psychic fights

    Nice and to a buyer's delight

    You're limited to two so that means I'm buying them twice

    One pair to wear one pair on ice

    Aftermarket speculation will surely hike up the price

    Call that all in the plans

    Feeling like Mike with the ball in my hands

    Swear to God it's like the best game he ever played

    I get to wear the first pair possibly ever made

    What does that sole look like

    It's soft to run on

    But tough enough to withstand the reality of the ground

    Or the reality of the context we're living in

    That's the soul

    Let's just call it black

    I get applause as I step outside the pop-up

    The shop resembles the unfinished house he was in before they shot us

    We fell down then we got up

    Pick Pac up pick Nip up

    This is the type of tripping that scuff kicks up

    Traditionally creases was a style to refuse

    But now they represent every mile in your shoes

    Any mud on your sole gets toweled and removed

    It's like I'm retracing every trial know it took strength

    Giant steps flowers growing out of the footprints

    Liberation here's your invitation

    It's a relay race continuation

    Get the baton and keep bringing it back

    That string theory means we'll keep being attached

    Last thing this is something of a sight

    Even when you take 'em off they keep running for your life

    You know can withstand multiple beatings by the ground

    But it's tough enough to continue on that's the sole

    Now there's an upper on top of that sole

    The upper is made of leather

    Or maybe or maybe both you know

    That sole and that upper combined by stitches

    Leaves for a dynamic enclosure around the foot

    There's a tongue there's even shoelaces

    You know those shoelaces they are literally as elastic as a leather band

    But as tough as links of steel let's call it chain links

    So here we have the shoe taking shape

    There's a logo on the side fill in the blank with your favorite one

    They're all man-made it's all good

    But this shoe these Air Ahmauds or these Air Arberys

    Are starting to take shape now you know

    They connect man and earth they allow you to run

    That running is freedom accelerated heart rate by design through design

    Air Ahmaud Air Arbery

    What color are these shoes

    The upper of these shoes

    Maybe white maybe black pick your favorite

    But you know the world's black and white anyways

    So might as well limit the whole color palette to that

    Signed Virgil Abloh in quotes of course

    Oh yeah there's a red zip-tie on this thing it makes it our own

    It's tied into a history of art that's now

    Copyright 2020

    2020-07-25 10:22:13 欧美音乐下载热度 2 ℃
  • LupeFiasco,KaelinEllis,CrystalTorres,GrahamBurris-SLEDOM (Explicit)[FLAC]


    2020-07-25 10:21:43 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • LupeFiasco,KaelinEllis,VirgilAbloh-LF95[FLAC]

    Yo yo yo

    I got this beat off twitter

    Let me show you how I did it though

    First I took a screen record went to GarageBand

    Then I had to export the QuickTime file for audio only

    Then I dumped it in the Band loop it up hope you understand

    That's just process now currently I think about what to say


    Another day in Coronavirus hope we never touch like pirates and a stylist

    Old school meets new school don't want to waste your time

    Let's skirt the issue like a tutu

    I was thinking moving the IG Live over to to YouTube

    Reporting live from the scene like a news crew

    You viewer shipshape carnival bar even the cruise new rules

    Who approved Three that's what you do when there's nobody else left to prove to


    Write Lupe on my Lupe

    We go back like Just Blaze made beats for the 2-Way

    Back then I used to do it for the hoorays

    Last night I posted up a pic of me Cole and Toure

    At the Grammys the matriarchs of our families

    Every once in a while a rapper ask how can he become S.O.S.A. like Sammy

    Rest in peace Fred Rest in peace Versus

    Hope you both wrapped around some wings like the recipe at churches

    Levels y'all are both 2 piece specials


    That might have been too deep for the devils should have never gave us shovels

    Don't kick pebbles at rebels without schedules

    Lyrical Stickler Young Riddler

    From Chicago the Midwest that don't get no middler

    That Last Dance look at Mike Judge Mathis look-alike

    Kid 'n Play at the House Party just know that my foot is light

    Lori from planet self-explanatory

    Its all love but sometimes you gotta chastise the shorties

    Go in the house kids essential ventures only

    And mask over the mouth kids and if you didn't know me

    Call me rap Anthony Fauci and black blackity grouchy mouthpiece

    Ramadan breath prayer rug pointed at Saudi

    Tuck in the square up get reacquainted with your hairbrush

    Just cuz Andrew is a barber that don't mean he giving haircuts

    That landed suitably worded beautifully

    They heard that I was sick now they herd immunity


    Choose wisely you can use this time to be in shape or eat a cake

    Tonight I might post of picture of me and Drake

    You gonna have to see and wait

    Make dua and eat a date


    2020-07-25 10:21:19 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • LupeFiasco,KaelinEllis,VirgilAbloh-DINOSAURS[FLAC]

    DINOSAURS (Explicit) - Lupe Fiasco/Kaelin Ellis/Virgil Abloh

    Composed by:Kaelin Ellis/Wasalu Jaco p/k/a: Lupe Fisaco

    So where should we begin

    Maybe we should begin at the beginning

    Sounds fine to me

    Dinosaurs came in all colors

    They were creatures with different features

    Had to teeth to eat ya they made beds called nests

    And laid eggs after they had sex inside 'em

    Whether they ate plants or meat is how you could divide 'em

    And the Flintstones they they used to ride 'em

    With tails particularly good for slidin'

    But in real life it probably didn't go down like that


    They probably didn't sound like that but maybe close

    If we are to believe Noah they didn't really know how to make boats

    And they drowned like that

    Via paleontology fossily is how they mostly found like that

    Bones in the stones that's if you soil-dig

    But if you oil-rig they warm up the homes

    Power up the cars

    In Jurassic Park it was a zone full of clones

    They say they death came from the stars

    An asteroid flew down and blowed up the grown

    The babies too the whole family

    The entire Brady crew bit the dust like food from the floor

    Just imagine one day

    All the Cruncheroos was just removed from the store

    And not just shooed off the stage but booed off the tour

    If they had lawyers they coulda sued something for sure

    Class actions when that happens you know the rules

    Objections abstained wrap the snap and gets overruled

    Respect the court this ain't your condo in Toronto

    They ran in packs Brontosaurus ran in hers

    Pterodactyls was the birds

    The prehistoric conceptual source of the Mighty Morphin' combo

    Word uh it gets rangerous

    Come hit the museum if you wanna hang with us

    But mostly just the skeletons

    Now if you wanna use brain cave space as a metric for intelligence

    Then Tyrannosaurus Rex wasn't the smartest of the smartest

    But you wouldn't wanna box with the short-armed carnivorous martial artist

    You ain't gotta be the sharpest saw to slice the sausage

    Of the largest ninja star in all of Harlem

    To carve a part into a target if we arguin'

    They say they where we get chickens from

    So what came first ancestors or the chicken's sons

    Skulls flows cross roads like tips and thumbs

    In Bruce Lee's gi tell me to freeze I might kick your gun

    Call it survivin' the ice age

    Reptilian how old

    'Bout two-hundred and forty-two million

    Post-Cretaceous their status was basically wiped from the face

    Of our favorite little ball in the skies

    Some were small some were tall some would crawl some would fly

    But we gotta thank 'em all

    'Cause without them we wouldn't have the malls of Dubai

    But they also kinda gave us all a climate change

    I ain't tryna blame just sayin'

    Sometimes they go by they science names

    Megalosauroidea or Sauropodomorpha whatever you wanna call 'em

    Whether it be Grimlock Yoshi or Earl Sinclaire

    Just remember at one time this whole world was theirs

    2020-07-25 10:20:55 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • LupeFiasco,KaelinEllis,VirgilAbloh-HOMME MADE(feat[FLAC]


    2020-07-25 10:20:24 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • LupeFiasco,KaelinEllis,VirgilAbloh-HOMME MADE (Explicit)[FLAC]


    2020-07-25 10:19:27 欧美音乐下载热度 1 ℃
  • LupeFiasco,KaelinEllis,VirgilAbloh-《HOUSE (Explicit)》专辑[FLAC]

    LupeFiasco,KaelinEllis,CrystalTorres,GrahamBurris-SLEDOM (Explicit)
    LupeFiasco,KaelinEllis,VirgilAbloh-HOMME MADE (Explicit)
    LupeFiasco,KaelinEllis,VirgilAbloh-HOMME MADE(feat

    2020-07-25 10:18:20 音乐专辑下载热度 0 ℃